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    Research Aim & Management Plan for Travelodge

    University: NESCOT COLLEGE

    • Unit No: 19
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 30 / Words 7411
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: MAN204
    • Downloads: 1136
    Question :

    This assessment will cover following questions :

    • Generate project aim, objectives and time frames based on the  chosen theme.
    • Carry out small scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate knowledge to support and project.
    • Present a project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on meaningful conclusion generate from the evidence findings or analysis.
    • Reflect the value gained from conducting the project and the usefulness to support Travelodge performance.
    Answer :


    Talent management consider as a systematic process that help in determining the vacant position, hiring best and suitable candidates, developing their skills and expertise in order to effectively match the position. This will help in retaining employees to attaining all the long term goals and objectives. One of the primary main of talent management is to determine the actual requirement of human capital within the company that may assist in developing a strong workforce (Collings, Scullion and Vaiman, 2015). By this, business improve their efficiency and attain higher growth. Current research is based on Travelodge, is private and famous company operate their business in the hotel and hospitality industry. The main focus of this organization is to effectively manage talent as it amend overall performance of firm at market. This study is going to discuss about research aims and objectives that help in meeting all the set variables. Along with this, project management plan is included that assist in managing project activities in effective way. Different research methods is also mentioned thorough which relevant data can be easily gathered. 

    Activity 1

    1.1 Project Title

    Effective talent management strategies in a selected travel and tourism organization.

    Travelodge is private firm that operating in hospitality sector in United Kingdom, Spain and Ireland. It is one of the largest independent hotel with more than 570 hotels across United Kingdom. The main reason behind selecting Travelodge hotel is to determine the talent management strategies of this hotel and in what way it contribute towards tourism sector. The ambitious growth of Travelodge needs continuous hiring of the new team members when dealing with the labour shortages and challenges related to candidate attraction.

    1.2 Project aims and objectives

    Research aim:

    To determine effective talent management strategies for maintaining efficiency of overall travel and tourism organization.” A study on Travelodge.

    Research objectives:

    • To evaluate the influence of effective talent management strategies within the company.
    • To determine the appropriate talent management strategies for enhancing employees productivity.
    • To identify the challenges which faced by Travelodge while managing talent within their functional activities.

    Research Questions:

    • What is the influence of effective talent management strategies within the company?
    • What are the appropriate talent management strategies for enhancing employees productivity?
    • What are the challenges faced by Travelodge while managing talent within their functional activities?

    1.3 Project Management Plan

    PMP is consider as an effective representation that utilized to provide guide to project manager in executing as well as controlling entire activities. Mainly, it also define a comprehensive baseline that includes how project activities can be done, who will be includes, what time it take, what resources will be required and many more (Mackey and Gass, 2015). All these are help in accomplishing whole research in effective manner  to attain best possible outcomes. It includes various elements which help manager in developing a successful project:  

    • Scope: The overall scope of this project is wider as it provide vast information to the project manager towards the talent management and its effectiveness for organizational efficiency level. By this, Travelodge can easily improve their skilled and talented workforce. In context of researcher, this project provide the scope to undertake future research on the basis of similar theme. Through which they can easily analyse the accurate outcomes within the project.
    • Risk: In context of company, major risk that faced by firm is lack of collaboration among workers, lack of communication that put negative impact on the efficiency level of organization. Whereas, project manager face issue related to allocating the required resources among the team members. Other than this, Travelodge company can face the risk related to technology, money and human resources. In order to overcome from the risk, company will require to implement the advanced technology, develop money management plan and also hire the talented staff which can able to perform the project activities in a better manner.
    • Time: In PMP, it is crucial for researcher to clearly define the time scale in which project activities will be conducted. Through this, project manager complete the project and at the same time also improve its efficiency level. For completing project activities, manager required around one month.  
    • Cost: It is crucial element in which investigator needs to maintain its overall quality and cost as well to successfully done the whole project (McCusker and Gunaydin, 2015). For undertaking this project, manager required approx £ 3000.
    • Quality: It is significant aspect of project management in which research worker is responsible for undertaking entire activities in reliable and authentic way. By this, investigator make understandable figures that support in attaining positive and reliable outcomes (Mackenzie and et. al., 2012). In this regards, manager of company is responsible for offering best quality products to its customers in order to maintain positive relation with them. This will directly contributes in improving the chances of attaining reliable outcomes.
    • Resources: This factor of PMP is crucial as it assist in completing the research in more successful manner. For undertaking project activities, it is important for manager to manage proper resources like advanced technology, human resource, finance, technical knowledge, internet connection etc.

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    1.4 Work Break Down Structure

    WBS is consider as an effective activity that help in completing entire project activities in well organised way. In this, it divided into small subdivision that will be effective in completing research in most effective manner. By this, entire task can be done appropriately and more successful way through which, researcher may reduce the possibilities or arising risk and conflicts within the project. In this regards, when project activities is more complex then by using work breakdown structure project manager can easily communicate and operate them properly (Miller and et. al ., 2012). It may support in completing each and every project activities in systematic way and along with more quality.

     (Source: Work break down structure)

    Gantt chart - It also play a crucial role in managing project task activities in allotted time frame. It includes various activities like introduction, identifying aims and objectives, literature review and many more along with stipulated time duration.  Mainly, It represent in pictorial format wherein all the activities communicate in vertically form along with horizontally time frame. With the assistance of this, whole project done in systematic manner and specified time duration that may increase project reliability and make it more authentic. 

    1.5 Methods of Material Resourcing

    For completing whole research project, there are two type of techniques i.e. qualitative and quantitative. These technique or method can help investigator in collecting applicable data and information about the research theme and area.  In this regards, qualitative methods will be used in this project as it is more effective that help in executing investigation in more organized way. Furthermore, it is also based on the human behaviour in which, researcher gather information on the basis of human prospectives (Quinlan  and ., 2019). So it will improve the reliability of entire research activities. By this, positive and more realistic data can be easily gathers that support in taking best decision.

    Activity 2

    2.1 Secondary Research

    This section also show a important role in whole research because it includes secondary information that is collected with the use of internet sources (Riedl, Davis and Hevner, 2014). With the help of this, people can easily understand about what is talent management strategies and its contact on overall performance of organization and its workforce.

    Influence of effective talent management strategies within the company

    Talent management strategy is related to action plan that generally optimise the performance level of employees. It is related to optimizing the performance in wider sense. Talent management has become important to growth of business along with the economic progress that forcing company to be re- examine go they attract, sustain and engage the staff members. Management of talent is crucial for every business because it support in improving the productivity of manpower. Skilled and talented employees play a crucial role in performing predetermined goals and targets in effective manner. An befitting management of talent strategies is put optimistic effect on the company and its workers performance as well. With the assistance of this, firm also implement a flexible working environment In addition of this, when company implement talent management strategies within their functional activities then it change the entire process and culture (Khilji, Tarique and Schuler, 2015). In this, company get positive impact on employee behaviour and their performance as well. By this, company can meet all the needs that support in reaching their targets in stipulated time frame. Along with this, it also help in establishing positive relation with customers and employees as well. As it retain them for longer period of time.

    Challenges which faced by Travelodge while managing talent within their functional activities        

    It is significant activity for organisation to manage their talent more effectively so that they can attain their predetermined goals and objectives. In this regards, it is not easy to implement strategies of talent management as it create issue or challenges in front of organisation that put negative effect on the performance of employees. In this regards, there are some challenges that faced by company in managing their talent:

    • Increase employee turnover: At the time of managing talent it is major issue that faced by firm that put negative impact on the employees performance. If company fail in managing talent at working area then firm can not able to retain them for longer period of time (Noe and et. al, 2017). Thus, it is essential for Travelodge to give amended training and development programs to workers that retain them for longer period of time. 
    • Higher total compensation demands: The staff members feel pressurised to give the better  for themselves. They feel that they did not get the fair compensation then they would not hesitate to be speak up regarding condition. In context to this, staff members stated that the pay is more contribution factor to overall satisfaction of job. It develops complex situation for human resource manager in Travelodge because their main job is to satisfied the employees and sustain them for long time period.

    2.2 Primary Empirical Research

    Primary sources and information is gather by communicating with individual in order to analyse their opinion about the specified topic. In this regards, primary methods is one of the effective in which researcher gather data by developing an questionnaire as it will take more time but at the same time it provide reliable and relevant information (Kumar, 2019). By using this, investigator can easily draw a valid judgement. For undertaking this investigation, information will be collected through manager of Travelodge group by using random sampling technique. Furthermore, 40 respondents will be selected that provide specific information related to the research project.





    Email id.:

    Q1) Do you have knowledge about Talent management?

    a) Yes

    b) No

    Q2) Does talent management strategies is important for company in improving their overall efficiency level?

    a) Yes

    b) No

    Q3) What are the talent management strategies used by Travelodge for enhancing employees productivity?

    a) Effective selection process

    b) On-boarding process

    c) Development strategy

    d) Retention strategy

    Q4) What benefits drive talent management strategies in making employees productive within the company?

    a) Create opportunities

    b) Retain employees

    c) Enhance company performance

    Q5) What are the major challenges faced by Travelodge at the time of managing talent within their business activities?

    a) Increase employee turnover

    b) Lack of leadership

    c) Higher total compensation demands

    Q6) What type of alternatives implement by Travelodge to overcome the challenges of managing talent?

    a) Provide leadership

    b) Train employees

    c) Hire skilled workers

    Q7) What are the ways through which Travelodge can identify its talent in order to place them in a right position?

    a) By competencies

    b) By results

    c) By potential

    Q8) What are the changes which Travelodge can acquire due to the implication of Talent management strategies?

    a) Increase in employees motivation

    b) Improvement in employees relationship

    Q9) Does implementation of talent management strategies help company in understanding employees strength and weaknesses?

    a) Yes

    b) No 

    Q10) Recommended the ways by which company can improve their employee productivity level.


    2.3 Validity and reliability of Research Methods

    In undertaking research, both validity and reliability are consider as an important aspect as it help investigator in collecting proper information towards the talent management strategies and its impact on the company performance. In this, questionnaire is prepared that help in gathering primary information. As selected respondents have enough knowledge and information towards the project theme as it is more reliable and valid as well (Green, Camilli and Elmore,  2012). With the help of this, researcher easily understand about the talent-management-strategies and its actual impact on the business organisation and employees productivity also.

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    Activity 3

    3.1 Analyse research data using appropriate tools and techniques

    It is one of the important section of undertaking research as it also provide assistance to investigator in presenting data in more detailed and systematic manner. In addition to this, Ms-Excel is also used by investigator as it is a software through which investigator make number of graphs as per the questions asked from selected respondents. With the help of this tool, researcher easily present quantitative data in limited period of time. Furthermore, frequency distribution analysis technique is also consider as an effective tool that used by investigator to analyse quantitative data in which researcher develop a frequency table that includes opinion of chosen respondents to present the data in an appropriate manner.

                Frequency distribution table

    Q1) Do you have knowledge about Talent management?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Q2) Does talent management strategies is important for company in improving their overall efficiency level?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Q3) What are the talent management strategies used by Travelodge for enhancing employees productivity?


    a) Effective selection process


    b) On-boarding process


    c) Development strategy


    d) Retention strategy


    Q4) What benefits drive talent management strategies in making employees productive within the company?


    a) Create opportunities


    b) Retain employees


    c) Enhance company performance


    Q5) What are the major challenges faced by Travelodge at the time of managing talent within their business activities?


    a) Increase employee turnover


    b) Lack of leadership


    c) Higher total compensation demands


    Q6) What type of alternatives implement by Travelodge to overcome the challenges of managing talent?


    a) Provide leadership


    b) Train employees


    c) Hire skilled workers


    Q7) What are the ways through which Travelodge can identify its talent in order to place them in a right position?


    a) By competencies


    b) By results


    c) By potential


    Q8) What are the changes which Travelodge can acquire due to the implication of Talent management strategies?


    a) Increase in employees motivation


    b) Improvement in employees relationship


    Q9) Does implementation of talent management strategies help company in understanding employees strength and weaknesses?


    a) Yes


    b) No 


    Question 1: Knowledge about Talent management.

    Q1) Do you have knowledge about Talent management?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Interpretation: Talent management is refers to the effective process that used to determine the vacant position within the company and also hire the right person for the suitable place. It also help in providing as well as developing better skills and knowledge by train them. This will help in rising the performance level of the workers and make them more cultivable. In this regards, 30 out of 40 people are aware about talent management as it support business organisation to improve their value and make them able to reach their set objectives in specify time frame. furthermore, 10 people are not aware or active towards the talent management.

    Question 2: Talent management strategies is important for company in improving their overall efficiency level.

    Q2) Does talent management strategies is important for company in improving their overall efficiency level?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Interpretation: Talent management strategies are crucial for company as it assist them in raise their efficiency level and also keep workers within the company for long period of duration. As the main advantage of implementing talent management strategies in business is to develop workers productivity by providing them better training and development programs. It may helps in retaining employees at working area. By this, company can improve their efficiency level to accomplishing their positive image. Whereas, rest of 25 people are favour with this statement and rest of 15 participants are nor agree. It has been evaluated from the secondary information, talent management strategies are play a significant role in developing employee morale and at the same time also boost their efficiency level. This can be beneficial for the company in reducing the employee turnover and also develop positive brand image at market place.


    Question 3:  Effective selection process is an effective talent management strategy that used by Travelodge for enhancing employees productivity.

    Q3) What are the talent management strategies used by Travelodge for enhancing employees productivity?


    a) Effective selection process


    b) On-boarding process


    c) Development strategy


    d) Retention strategy



    Interpretation: talent management includes various strategies implement by company with the aim of making employees more productive. In this, 15 out of 40 people think that effective selection process is an effectual strategy by which firm hire skilled and talented workers to accomplishing their set target is stipulated time frame along with this, 10 participants think that on-boarding process is also a strategy in which company introduce new employees within the organizational culture on the other hand, 9 participants said that development strategy is an appropriate plan of action that support in creating and running business activities ineffective manner so that all the set goals and targets can easily attained and rest of 6 individual think that retention is a strategy through which company enhance their productivity level by giving them better training and development activities in order to increase their skills and abilities. It directly contributes in makings performance of organization more productive. In this this context, literature review is also connected with this question in which authors think that implementing as well as adopting appropriate strategies for managing talent is crucial because it support in making better section of people at working area who are able to execute and perform their job roles at working area.

    Question 4: Create opportunities is major benefit of drive talent management strategies in making employees productive within the company.

    Q4) What benefits drive talent management strategies in making employees productive within the company?


    a) Create opportunities


    b) Retain employees


    c) Enhance company performance


    Interpretation: Effective management of talent is important for company to improve workers performance and its productiveness as well. By this, business organization can heighten their efficiency level to attain success at market. As,  20 out of 40  people think that it create opportunities for employees in which workers show their talent within the company and at the same time also make them productive as well whereas, 10 participants said that it help in retaining workers by improving their capabilities and abilities to perform their task and activities at working area and rest of 10 participants think that it also enhance overall performance of company as workers are willing to give their best efforts to attain their set targets in stipulated time frame.

    Question 5: Major challenges faced by Travelodge at the time of managing talent within their business activities.

    Q5) What are the major challenges faced by Travelodge at the time of managing talent within their business activities?


    a) Increase employee turnover


    b) Lack of leadership


    c) Higher total compensation demands


    Interpretation: In business organisation, managing talent in not a easy task at it create different issues and challenges in-front of manager and organization. If strategies does not implement effectively that business face issues in making their workforce strong and valuable. In this, 15 out of 40 people give their views that increase employee turnover is major issue in front company while managing talent as workers fail in getting best training then they reduce their morale towards the company goals. Along with this, 15 participants think that lack of leadership is a challenge for business organization that reduce efficiency of employees at working area and on the other side 10 respondents said that higher total compensation demands is another challenges for company while managing talent within the company. All these are put negative impact on the performance of company and also reduce their productivity level. In literature review, some was ascertained from the authors point of view that the major issue company is facing while managing talent is increase in employee turnover. Improper management of talent is create issue at working area by increasing conflicts. Lack of leadership is also affect the employee performance in which without leading employees fail in attaining their targets. This will put negative impact over the performance level of the company.


    Question 6: Provide leadership is an effective alternative implement by Travelodge to overcome the challenges of managing talent.

    Q6) What type of alternatives implement by Travelodge to overcome the challenges of managing talent?


    a) Provide leadership


    b) Train employees


    c) Hire skilled workers


    Interpretation: As some alternatives are there which help in overcoming from challenges related to the talent management. Under this, 20 people think that provide leadership is an effective, 10 participants give their views that train workers help in improving employees performance at work place. Furthermore, 10 participants said that hire skilled and talent workers is also appropriate as it support in managing overall business activities successfully. 


    Question 7: Ways through which Travelodge can identify its talent in order to place them in a right position.

    Q7) What are the ways through which Travelodge can identify its talent in order to place them in a right position?


    a) By competencies


    b) By results


    c) By potential



    Interpretation: As there are various effective ways by which company can identify the talent with the aim of placing them in a right position. In this respect, 15 out of 40 people said that competencies is an effectual way to place right  person at right position. Along with this, 15 participants think that by results is also evaluated and rest of 10 respondents think that by potential company can place employee at a right and suitable position.

    Question 8: Changes which Travelodge can acquire due to the implication of Talent management strategies

    Q8) What are the changes which Travelodge can acquire due to the implication of Talent management strategies?


    a) Increase in employees motivation


    b) Improvement in employees relationship


    Interpretation: From the above discussed graphical record it can be examined that 30 out of 40 people think that talent management strategies put their positive impact on increasing motivation of workers towards the set goals whereas, 10 participants said that it also support in improving positive relation between all the workers within the organization.


    Question 9: Talent management strategies help company in understanding employees strength and weaknesses.

    Q9) Does implementation of talent management strategies help company in understanding employees strength and weaknesses?


    a) Yes


    b) No 


    Interpretation: For reducing employees turnover, proper management talent is crucial by which firm analyse actual performance of workers at working area. Thus, it is significant for business organisation in implementing talent management strategies in effective manner so that manager of firm can improve productivity of workers and also make them able to give their best efforts for attaining their set targets. Furthermore, 35 out of 40 people said that effectively implementation of talent-management-strategies, company can easily analyse strength and weaknesses of employees in company. Apart from this, 5 participants think that sometime it does not analyse their strength because it only focus on evaluating the vacant place within the company. 

    Activity 3

    3.2 Valid and Meaningful Conclusion

    As per above discussed theme it has be analysed that managing talent is crucial for firm in developing their positive brand image. As company is required to make flexible working environment wherein workers can handle all the activities and also make their working style appropriate. This will support in motivating employees for attaining their set targets. In addition of this, business organisation is also responsible for retaining employees for longer period of time in which they provide communicate with workforce to evaluate their strength and weakness to provide them better training programs accordingly. By this, company enhance their brand image and keep employees loyal or sustain for organisational objectives. Furthermore, implementation of including new selection process is important as it may assist in hiring right candidates at a right place. This can be effective for business organisation in making entire operational activities more effective and efficient as well.  

    3.3 Appropriate Recommendation

    With the business organisation implementation of talent management strategies is not an easy as it put their huge impact in changing entire activities. In this regards, company needs to communicate with their employees to analyse their performance at working area. This will help in identifying their strength and weaknesses. Along with this, firm needs to use appropriate selection process so that they can hire skilled and talented workers within their business activities. Through this, business organisation can enhanced their efficiency level to attain higher growth.

    When company implement new talent management strategies that they should communicate with all the workers in order to give them all the essential information. Furthermore, proper training and development programs should be implemented as it help them in motivating towards the company goals. This will directly contributes in providing better services to customers that help in attaining their higher satisfaction level. 

    Activity 4

    4.1 Reflect on the value of undertaking the research

    By undertaking this project, I able to analyse information and also understand about data collection on the basis of talent management strategies within the company. This will help me in evaluating the possibilities of improving performance level of workers that directly contributes in enhancing overall efficiency of company to attain higher growth. Along with this, it also helped me in managing all the changes occurs at working area through which I can easily communicate and perform the complete task in more systematic manner. In addition of this, I also focus on implementing better training and development programs within the company if I m working in organisation. With the help of this, I can easily motivate workers to improve their performance. Furthermore, I also analyse that if management of talent is not properly done then it negatively effects on the employees performance and their productivity level as well. By keeping employees motivated and encouraged company can improve workers performance and make them able to put their efforts for attaining the same. 

    4.2 Reflect on your own learning and performance

    I am feel glad to undertake the current research as it learn and understand various things that support me in improving my skills and knowledge. By this, project I can also analyse the difference between theoretical and practical concept. Mainly, current project is related with the impact of talent management strategies and its effects on the employees and company performance. It help me in improving my abilities to completing the study in more successful manner. Along with this, I also faced various issues at the time of executing its activities. As I am not much able to manage budget properly that put negative impact on end results of study due to this, I also fails in taking right actions or decision in upcoming project activities. After carry out this research, I am improve my experience in gathering or analysing the data that support me in developing skills through which I can easily make changes within the project activities to attain positive and reliable outcomes. Apart from this, I also build my team efforts to make or handle all the changes properly that occurs within the project and company as well. With the best efforts of team members I can easily attain my targets and at the same time also complete the research activities in specified period of time. This can be beneficial for me in undertaking the same study in future thorough which I can improve the possibilities of attaining success.


    From the above mentioned research it is summarised that talent management is one of the important activity for business to effectively manage their workers. As it help in making brand image more popular so that customers can easily satisfy their needs and wants. In this regards, proper training and development activities, rewards and recognition, proper selection process are crucial strategies through which firm can improve their growth. Along with this, company must be includes flexible working environment so that employees can easily put their views and opinion in front of their seniors and make them able to accept all the changes effectively. With the help of this, employees always focus on attaining their task by putting their best efforts within the organisation. In addition of this, business organisation is also responsible for using or implementing alternatives like hire skilled workforce, properly train them, provide effective leadership and also give them flexible working environment wherein all the workers improve their motivation and encouragement towards the organisational activities. With the help of this, firm can easily overcome from the challenges that faced while executing or managing talent within the company. It also assist workers in improving their efficiency level to execute their task and activities effectively in order to reduce employee turnover of the company.

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    • Collings, D.G., Scullion, H. and Vaiman, V., 2015. Talent management: Progress and prospects.
    • Khilji, S.E., Tarique, I. and Schuler, R.S., 2015. Incorporating the macro view in global talent management. Human Resource Management Review. 25(3). pp.236-248.
    • Noe, R. A. and et. al, 2017. Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
    • Khilji, S. E. and Schuler, R. S., 2017. Talent management in the global context. The Oxford Handbook of Talent Management, p.399.
    • Green, J. L., Camilli, G. and Elmore, P. B. eds., 2012. Handbook of complementary methods in education research. Routledge.
    • Kumar, R., 2019. Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners. Sage Publications Limited.
    • Mackey, A. and Gass, S. M., 2015. Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge.
    • McCusker, K. and Gunaydin, S., 2015. Research using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods and choice based on the research. Perfusion.  30(7).  pp.537-542.
    • Miller, T.,and et. al ., 2012. Ethics in qualitative research. Sage.
    • Quinlan, C. and ., 2019. Business research methods. South Western Cengage.

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